



In all instances, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Bylaws, Constitution, MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures will prevail when there is a conflict between these documents and Section Bylaws.

ARTICLE I Name and Territory

1.1. Name. This organization shall be known as the Denmark Section of the IEEE, IEEE Denmark Section or in short IEEE Denmark.

1.2. Territory. The territory of the IEEE Denmark Section is the country of Denmark, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands.

1.3. Association. This organization is part of the global Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


ARTICLE II Purpose and Members

2.1. Purpose. The purpose of this organization is to Inspire, Enable, Empower, and Engage members of IEEE to fulfil the mission of IEEE by Advancing Technology for Humanity. 2.2. Members. All members of IEEE, in accordance with IEEE Bylaws, geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory is a member of this organization.


ARTICLE III Management and Quorum

3.1. Management. The management this organization shall be by the Section Executive Committee which shall consist of the Elected Officers, the Past Section Chair and the Chapter Chairs, as voting members, and of Committee Chairs and other appointed delegates as non-voting members. 3.2. Quorum. Majority of the voting members of the Section Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Quorum can only be achieved when at least 2/3 of the Elected Officers are present.

3.3. Meetings. The Section Executive Committee shall conduct meetings at least four times a year when called by the Section Chair or by a request of any two voting members of the Section Executive Committee.

3.4. Committees. The Section Executive Committee can appoint committees in accordance with the MGA Operations manual. The Chair of the Committees will be appointed by the Section Chair with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, and their terms will expire each year on 31 December. Each Committee Chair will appoint Committee members, with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, and their terms will expire each year on 31 December.


ARTICLE IV Elected Officers

4.1. Officers. The elected officers shall be Chair, Vicechair, Treasurer and Secretary. The Section may in accordance with the MGA Operation Manual combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. 4.2. Terms. The terms of office of the elected officers shall be for 2 years in the same office. Terms of office will begin on 1 January. After having served one term the elected officers shall be eligible to be re-elected for a second term. Re-election for a third consecutive term is not possible. Individuals can serve in a position for a maximum of 6 years. Outgoing officers will continue until their successors are duly elected and take office.

4.3. Vacancy. Any vacancy occurring during terms shall be filled by a majority vote of the Section Executive Committee.

4.4. Nomination. All IEEE members geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory can in accordance with the MGA Operations Manual be nominated for an Elected Officer position.

4.5. Election. Election will be by ballot in accordance with the MGA Operations Manual. A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. Elections shall be held before the end of the outgoing officer term 31. December.


ARTICLE V Finances

5.1. Expenses. All expenditures of IEEE Denmark Section funds shall be approved by Section Chair, processed by the Section Treasurer and follow the MGA Operations Manual. 5.2. Authorization. The Section Executive Committee does not need any additional authorization for expenditures related to normal operations as defined in the MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures. All other expenditures must be approved at a Section Executive Committee meeting.

5.3. Accounts. The Section Treasurer and the Section Chair shall be authorized to draw funds and manage accounts.

5.4. Revision. The IEEE Denmark Sections fiscal year shall be 1 January – 31 December. Financial reporting shall adhere to MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures. Bank statements and expenditure reports shall be provided by the Treasurer at least yearly or on the request of elected officers at any time.


ARTICLE VI General Assembly

6.1. Authority. The general assembly is the highest authority of the IEEE Denmark Section. 6.2. Access. All eligible IEEE members geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory have access to the general assembly.

6.3. Call. A call for general assembly can be done by the Section Executive Committee or by petition signed by at least 2% of the IEEE members geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory.

6.4. Quorum. Quorum can only be achieved when at least 2/3 of the Elected Officers are present and at least 5% of the eligible IEEE members geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory are represented.


ARTICLE VII Amendments

7.1. Proposals. Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may originate in the Section Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 2% or more eligible voting members according to MGA Operations Manual geographically located within the in section 1.2 stated territory. 7.2. Amendments. Amendments to or revocation of these Bylaws shall be in accordance with the IEEE Bylaws, Constitution, MGA Operations Manual and IEEE Policy and Procedures.


ARTICLE VIII Ratification

8.1. Formation. The formation of the Denmark Section of IEEE was authorized by the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE Member and Geographic August 18th, 1968. 8.2. Ratification. These Bylaws, as latest amended November 29th, 2022, has been ratified by the Section Executive Committee.

IEEE DK Bylaws 2022